Sunday, August 18, 2013


In the "Dragon," the "Beast," and the "False Prophet," we have the "SATANIC TRINITY," Satan's imitation of the "Divine Trinity." In the unseen and invisible "Dragon" we have the FATHER (the ANTIGOD). In the "Beast" we have the "SON OF PERDITION" (the ANTI-CHRIST), begotten of the Dragon, who appears on the earth, dies, and is resurrected, and to whom is given a throne by his Father the Dragon. In the "False Prophet" we have the "ANTI-SPIRIT," who proceeds from the "Dragon Father" and "Dragon Son," and whose speech is like the Dragon's. The "Dragon" then will be the "ANTI-GOD," the "Beast" the "ANTICHRIST," and the "False Prophet" the "ANTISPIRIT," and the fact that all three are cast ALIVE into the "Lake of Fire" (Rev 20: 10) is proof that they together form a "Triumvirate" which we may well call— "THE SATANIC TRINITY.

Larkin, Clarence (2012-06-18). Rightly Dividing The Word [Illustrated] (Kindle Locations 1128-1130). PreservedWords. Kindle Edition.

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