Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Faith and Works

 We hear a great deal about "Faith" and "Works." Some say we are saved by "Faith" alone, others make a great deal of "Works." Some say that both are necessary to salvation for the same reason that a bird cannot fly without two wings, or that you cannot make progress in a boat without two oars. One quotes Paul, who says— "That a man is justified by FAITH, WITHOUT THE DEEDS OF THE LAW," (Rom 3: 28), the other quotes James, who says—" Ye see then how that by WORKS a man is justified, and not by faith only." Jam 2: 24. But the Apostle James is not speaking of the "Doctrine of JUSTIFICATION," but of a man justifying himself before men. The illustration he uses is that of Abraham offering up his son Isaac. Abraham was a man of faith, but the only way he could make it visible to the men of his generation was by his WORKS, so God commanded him to offer up his son Isaac. Gen 22: 1-2. Abraham's works had nothing to do with his salvation, but simply bore witness to his faith, for Abraham believed God, and it was imputed to him for righteousness. Jam 2: 21-26. So great was Abraham's faith in God's promise as to Isaac being the one through whom the promised seed was to come, that he believed that if he offered him up as commanded, that God would raise him from the dead. Heb 11: 17-19. In like manner Rabab's faith was justified or made visible by her works when she tied the "Scarlet Cord" in her window. Jos 2: 15-21. And to show the relation of "Works" to "Faith" the Apostle ends by saying—" For as the 'body' without the 'spirit' is dead, so faith without 'works' is dead also," that is, is DEAD FAITH, for if a man does not make his faith visible by his works it is a question whether he has any faith at all. Now it is noteworthy that the Apostle Paul uses this same incident of Abraham offering up his son Isaac to prove that Abraham was justified by "Faith" without "Works." "If Abraham were justified by works, he hath whereof to glory; BUT NOT BEFORE GOD. For what saith the Scripture? Abraham BELIEVED GOD, and it was COUNTED UNTO HIM FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS. Rom 4: 2-3. Gen 15: 6. So we see that it was Abraham's "Faith" that justified him before GOD, and his "Works" that justified him before MEN. But I think I hear some one ask—" Does not the Bible say— That we are to 'WORK OUT OUR OWN SALVATION?'" Yes, the Apostle Paul in writing to the Philippians says—" Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is GOD WHO WORKETH IN YOU both to will and to do His good pleasure." Phi 2: 12-13. But a man cannot work out what he has not got. He must first have "Salvation" before he can work it out. Paul was writing to the "Saints" at Philippi, to those who were already saved. The doctrine the Apostle desired to express was that "Salvation" included more than the mere escape from the "Penalty of Sin," it meant also escape from the "Power" and "Presence of Sin," and this meant that they must work or strive with "fear and trembling" to overcome indwelling sin, for it was God who would work in them, if they would let Him, to make the fruits of Salvation complete in their lives. So we see that we are saved by "Faith" and not by "Works," but "Works" have their place in the Believer's life as we shall see.

Larkin, Clarence (2012-06-18). Rightly Dividing The Word [Illustrated] (Kindle Locations 2278-2283). PreservedWords. Kindle Edition.

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