Tuesday, August 20, 2013


As has been said the Jews had their origin in the morning time of history when God called Abraham, a Shemite, to be the father of a new nation. Gen 12: 1-3. God appeared to Abraham 10 times. These appearances were called "Theophanies," and were progressive and unconditional in their promises, and the promises were unconditionally confirmed to Abraham's son Isaac (Gen 26: 1-4), and to his grandson Jacob. Gen 28: 10-15. The history of the Jewish race is without a parallel in human history. Though oppressed, downtrodden, carried captive to other lands and scattered through the nations, the Jew has outlived all his conquerors and walks unscathed amid the nations. Any other race would have been swallowed up and its identity and national characteristics lost. The preservation of the Jewish race is the "MIRACLE OF HISTORY." Their "Emblem" is a "BUSH BURNING AND UNCONSUMED. No nation has ever had such manifest and visible tokens of the "Divine Presence." For them the Red Sea was driven back and the Jordan parted. They were miraculously fed in the Wilderness and Divinely sheltered and guided by the "Pillar of Cloud and Fire." At the blowing of "ram's horns" the walls of a besieged city fell (Jos 6: 1-27), and the Sun and Moon stayed in their courses that they might have time to slay their enemies. Jos 10: 12-14. The "Angel of the Lord" encamped about them, and one angel slew 185,000 of the army of Assyria for their deliverance. 2Ki 19: 35. No nation has given to the world such a number of great men. Such a man of faith as Abraham; such a great leader and lawgiver as Moses; such statesmen as Joseph in Egypt and Daniel in Babylon; such a king as David, and wise man as Solomon. No nation has produced such "seers" as the Hebrew Prophets, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel, and no such man as that man above all men, the "MAN OF GALILEE."

Larkin, Clarence (2012-06-18). Rightly Dividing The Word [Illustrated] (Kindle Locations 311-317). PreservedWords. Kindle Edition.

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