Saturday, August 9, 2008


Walking With God by Costen J. Harrell (1928)

This volume is not a plea for or an illustration of abbreviated pulpit discourses. Its genesis will best explain its purpose.
For some years it has been the custom of the author to prepare for his Church bulletin each Sunday a short interpretation of some phase of our Christian faith. Three purposes have guided him from week to week: to write briefly, so that the busiest might find time to read what had been written; to write simply, so that any reader might understand; to write vitally, so that every reader might be helped to a more intimate walk with God. From a much larger collection of material sixty selections have been made and sent forth in this little volume with the hope that they may do for a wider circle of readers what they were originally meant to do for the writer’s congregation.
The author acknowledges his indebtedness to his long-time friend, Dr. Alfred Allan Kern, of Randolph-Macon Women’s College, Lynchburg, who read the manuscript and made not a few suggestions as to forms of expression.
Costen J. Harrell.
The Study, Epworth Church,
Norfolk, Va., November 18, 1927.

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